Our Campaigns


The Safe Climate Transport Campaign has launched several aggressive, targeted campaigns on social media. Below are some examples:

Auto Accountability Campaign


Full-page New York Times ad


Cleaner Cars Now


Ford: Then and Now

These comparisons of what Ford said about their vehicles and clean air decades ago and what they say now prove that Ford is still fighting clean air and spreading lies about crucial pollution laws.

The 2019 Ford Trump Lineup

This series imagines that Ford is so grateful to the Trump administration for rolling back the Clean Car Standards that they’ve decided to rename their 2019 vehicle lineup in honor of several key Trump administration officials.

.@Ford asked Trump to rollback the #CleanerCars Standards. Now that he is, they’re showing their appreciation by renaming their fleet after key @realDonaldTrump Administration officials.

Collect the whole set!

.@Ford asked Trump to rollback the #CleanerCars Standards. Now that he is, they’re showing their appreciation by renaming their fleet after key @realDonaldTrump Administration officials.

The 2019 Ford Wheeler is @EPAAWheeler’s dream truck.

The 2019 Ford Sessions: only comes in white!

Ford is Tough On…

Ford claims that their vehicles are built “Ford Tough.” This Twitter campaign recognized that because Ford’s vehicles are so needlessly polluting, Ford is actually tough on polar bears in the melting Arctic, kids who suffer from asthma, and the climate at large.

Dear @Ford: If you really don’t want to roll back clean car standards, and you really do care about our environment, don’t stand with Scott Pruitt. Mean what you say, and stand for #CleanerCars!

More than 6 million American kids suffer from asthma. @Ford, stand up for our families and help us breathe easier: Don’t roll back #CleanerCars Standards!

One 2018 @Ford F-150 will pump 79 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That means continued global warming, more melting glaciers, and vanishing national parks. Ford, if you really care about the #environment, you’ll stand for #CleanerCars!

The 2018 Ford Explorer will pump 75 tons of CO2 into our atmosphere over its lifetime. The biggest step we can take to fight #globalwarming is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from cars & trucks like these. Tell @Ford: We want #CleanerCars!

Dear @Ford: We went directly to your customers to ask how they felt about the #CleanerCars Standards, and the fact that you and other automakers have been lobbying behind the scenes to roll them back. Here is what your customers want you to know.

The EPA’s Exploding Water Fountain

In December 2017, this water fountain at the EPA Headquarters in Washington, DC exploded. We took advantage.

The 2018 Ford Trumpmobile

This image imagines that Ford is so grateful for Trump’s rollback of the CAFE Standards that they have named a new vehicle in his honor.

We’re unveiling the all-new 2018 gas-guzzling Ford Trumpmobile: it wastes gas, wastes money, and pollutes our air.
Find out more: http://forwardnotbackward.org/
LAAutoShow2017 #LAAutoShow #ForwardNotBackward

Trump’s Gift to the Automakers

This series recognized the 5th anniversary of the Clean Cars Standards in light of Trump’s decision to roll them back.

How @realDonaldTrump & @EPAScottPruitt are celebrating the 5th birthday of the #CleanerCars Standards.

Follow us on Twitter at @safe_climate to see more.